Festival of children's creativity
8 December, Oceana Theater
About festival
There are no children without talents. Parents notice some wonderful uniqueness in their children for a reason. Our festival encourages adults not to let the creative sprouts in children wither! It has long been observed and proven that spiritual and physical development helps children become more successful in any future work and education. Public performances in front of appreciative audiences strengthen faith in their talent and promote social skills and communication, which automatically leads to success in adult life.
Our mission is to identify and develop young talents, create interesting creative events in the lives of children and adults. Professional development of educators and the dissemination of their best practices. We contribute to the formation of moral, responsible, independent thinking individuals to realize their creative potential.
The main goal of the festival is to develop abilities for harmonious physical and spiritual growth among adolescents and provide opportunities to showcase their talents.
Categories in the competition are include:
  • vocal
  • instrumental
  • choreographic

  • theater
Steps of festival:
Send us video performance your child to email
Participation fee: $155
  • photos, videos, and gifts for participants included
  • for band or multiple participants - please email us at
on December 8, Oceana Theater
We do not judge children!
We do not give scores, we do not sow uncertainty and doubt in pure souls! We give them the opportunity to open up and show their true selves. Appearance, style, or level don't matter. Every form of creativity is always individual and personal. Someone may like yellow, while others prefer red. Who's right? Both are right. Sincerity and the desire to express oneself are what matters. Our criterion is audience sympathy.
Participant Age Groups:
33-5 years, 6-9 years, 10-13 years, 14 and older.
Музыкальные носители:

Musical tracks should be recorded on a USB flash drive with only one music track and the contestant's name. The performance duration from 3:00 to 5:00 minutes.
The payment is made simultaneously with the application. If the application is submitted by email, the payment must be made within three days of submitting the application.

Our Partners:
Radio USA is radio for thinking people! This is creativity, experience, professionalism, relevance, intelligence and beauty of the literary word live!
Here is also the only Russian-language children's program on this continent, “Morning Stars” with Yulia Geniush, a school for young radio presenters and DJs DJ-TEEN!
We want to make friends with our clients, so we are happy to answer your questions.
New York
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